Holiday Inspiration – Writers’ Style

Holidays play a big part in my life. I love exploring new destinations, making new friends and being immersed in different cultures. Not only are holidays a great place to relax and rejuvenate yourself but they’re also a great source of inspiration.

Most of the time when I’m on holiday, I write a description of where I’m writing and I’ll write some dialogue, to make sure I’ve got authentic voices within my characters. For example, when I recently visited Orlando, I took note of streets, popular names and paid close attention to how the locals spoke to each other. I then created a short story based on Church Street. Prior to that I also wrote a descriptive piece of where the mountains met the shoreline at dawn in Rhodes. This allowed me to create a vivid image within my mind that I can return to, to help me create a setting for future scenes.

Whenever I’m on holiday, my imagination becomes a sponge.

My logic for this is that I’m relaxed on holiday and feel safe, so my creativity begins to flow. I’m aware other writers like to use holidays as ways not to write anything at all, so that when they come back refreshed, their ideas are ready. For me this doesn’t work as I often forget what the spark initially was.

If anyone is or are going away soon – I prey you all are! – then try taking your notebook and jotting down a few descriptions of your holiday. This is how I started and now I can’t get enough when I’m on holiday. Hopefully this little trick will allow you to do the same.

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