Book Lovers by Emily Henry

Book Lovers by Emily Henry, Paperback, 384 pages, Penguin Books, £8.99, Waterstones.

Book Lovers by Emily Henry, follows Nora Stephens into the stereotypical country life of Sunshine Falls in North Carolina, in the hope to rekindle her friendship with her sister, Libby.

Libby however has other plans and demands Nora to complete her checklist over their month-vacay in the country.

Whilst ticking off the checklist, Nora bumps into an arch rival in the publishing industry, Charlie Lastra. Will he unravel her plans and more importantly, her checklist?


Each character within Book Lovers has their own unique voice and opinion of the scenarios that unfold in the novel. With Nora’s fix-it attitude and Libby’s relaxed vibe, it’s easy to see how Sunshine Falls or even Charlie Lastra, might showcase their opposing views. What Henry does well in this book is delivering a distinct voice whilst simultaneously showcasing multiple aspects of a characters personality. The juxtaposing views and attitudes only add the the reality of what a real personality looks and sounds like.


The plot if Book Lovers has a strong viewpoint on romance tropes and how they play out. With both of the main characters working in publishing, it’s pretty hard to not see them pop up everywhere, be it in conversation or in Henry’s plot itself.

Overall, Book Lovers is a feel-good read about – yes, books – as well as relationships. This isn’t just a love interest. Henry explores all kinds of relationships, from lovers and friendships, all the way through to family.

After reading Book Lovers, it could possibly be compared to Sally Thorne’s style. I would suggest that if you like reading Beth O’Leary or Sally Thorne, give Emily Henry a try. Although I prefer the humour of Sally Thorne, I can’t deny the hours I spent laughing over this book. If you’re after a funny feel-good read, then look no further.

You can read more reviews and purchase a copy of this book here.

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